Petal Promenade meets Delightfully Detailed DSP

You may have noticed from my work that I am not usually a clean and simple kinda girl!  But when I got my hands on this beautiful Petal Promenade DSP...  I think a whole sheet of 12"x12" paper can be a bit daunting, but please don't let it put you off! As you can see from my cards, the smallest piece can be the inspiration for a card.  Breaking down the patterns and using the colour for inspiration can be just what you need to get started.
I love the delicate look of this card and the textures which make it all girly and soft.  These were special cards for my customers to say thank you.  I thought they would also be lovely for wedding cards too!

Click the image below to take you to the short 3 minute video of how they were made: 

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