With this colder weather here in the UK I am already starting to feel autumnal! I thought I would load this video of an idea I came up with after playing with the Oh So Eclectic stamp set. Looking at the shape got my mind thinking about poppies, a quick google search helped me to look at the most realistic colours to use for each poppy. I was amazed how this simple technique could create great effects.
Wacth the video to find out the colour combinations. I am happy for my cards to be cased; all I ask is for acknowledgement especially if it is going out on social media, many thanks!
Wacth the video to find out the colour combinations. I am happy for my cards to be cased; all I ask is for acknowledgement especially if it is going out on social media, many thanks!
My inspiration was the classic red Poppy and the Canadian yellow orange Poppy
and those other lovely purple and pink ones!
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Fantastic, thanks for sharing. I would love to make these at coffee and card this week, if that's OK, will mention you as the source though. Jenny. x